Slow Tours France - Savour the experience
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Late Summer in Paris

Arrived yesterday in Paris to some beautiful weather, sunny, not hot, light breeze across the Seine, and spent most of the afternoon walking from the Palace and gardens of Luxembourg, around the left bank, along the river to Ile de la Cite to see Notre Dame de Paris - always a great place to visit. I'm spending a few days in Paris before my tours start on Saturday, and 'hosting' a friend who is joining my tours for 3 weeks (Normandy, Brittany, Loire). We strolled into the cool of this famous church (the Hunchback of Notre Dame comes back to me every time I visit here) to find that a special Mass was about to begin, with bishops and priests from around the world celebrating 50 years since they were ordained together in this Notre Dame - all aged between 75 and 80, and all ordained together in 1961. Stunning organ-playing, enchanting singing, and an experience to leave your spine tingling. A great way to start our time together.