Slow Tours France - Savour the experience
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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Honfleur and Beuvron

Another great day where we have been lucky enough to miss the rain and find some blue sky and bluer sea. The medieval village of Beuvron was a great place to stop for a morning coffee on our way to another medieval town - the old fishing port of Honfleur. This was another place where Monet met other artists

After spending some time wandering around trying to decide where to eat, we settled on a nice-looking restaurant, and after a sumptuous 3-course lunch, decided we had selected very well. A walk around the cobblestone streets and up and down a few hills to see the fabulous wooden church of St Catherine ensured that we had a little exercise. A drive along the coast to Deauville for afternoon tea at the Bar au Soleil on the famous boardwalk was a good finish to the day.