Slow Tours France - Savour the experience
Slow Tours Blog

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The coastal side of Provence

After a week in St Remy, the next tour is near the Provence coast to the west of Marseille. Beautiful weather accompanies us along the way. One day of rain - and when it rains here it really rains! - then back to the beautiful Mediterranean blue sky and blue sea. On 21st June there is a national 'Fete de la Musique' and around where we are the villages and towns attract the locals and tourists alike with a night of music and dancing in the streets. Photos below are of the Pope's palace and famous bridge at Avignon, the view from the village where we are accommodated, a stunning view from the mountain overlooking the township of Cassis and the local fishing port. If you are interested in this tour for 2015, we will be running it in June.