Slow Tours France - Savour the experience
Slow Tours Blog

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tours for June 2015 - Book Now!

Tour announcement - 1-8 June 2015 - one week in the Languedoc Roussillon region (further details here). This is our usual accommodation in the foothills of the Pyrennees. A fabulous week with excursions to the mountains, the sea and across the border into Spain to see Salvador Dali's home and museum. Enquire now - click here. This tour followed by one week in the Dordogne (8-15 June - Dordogne details) and 10 days in Normandy and Brittany (15-25 June - Brittany and Normandy details).

Below is the rear view of our accommodation taken from one of the bedrooms.

Now is a great time to buy your flight tickets as the early bird discounts are available until end of October.